Sunday 5 June 2011

::impact of social networking towards muslim community::

social networking can be a place for us to voice out opinion,,share some information,, tell others what in our mind,,and so on..basically,,social networking such as facebook,twitter and myspace require us to edit some basic information about us.besides that,,we can also upload our pictures on those website..we're free to put any pictures that we want..but,,the problem is,,many people like to show the picture with sexy appearance..they're very proud to reveal aurah..some social networking give warning to users to not upload such pictures,,but other social networking don't....!!we need to know that in Islam,,reveal our aurah is haram...this will lead to adultery..most of women don't know that head or hair is part of the aurah...but,,obviously pictures with not wearing cover seems like to be a normal thing..and as we know,,looking at other person's aurah especially different gender is also prohibit in Islam...that's the problem....we can't ask all users to upload pictures with cover aurah because users of social networking are not all Muslim....this is such uncontrolled problem to the Muslim..
Besides,,uploading the picture with a friend that is different gender will lead to fitnah...Hope you guyz be aware of this...!!in addition,,social networking can ruin the Muslim community by the spreading of western culture..for example,,many people like to share pornography picture or videos and this will give bad impact to Muslim...There are many other things that cause bad impact to Muslim...we hope you notice all these problems...=) 

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