Wednesday, 1 June 2011

::current medium of communication;social networking::

As we all known, this current communication is not the same compared to the ancient one. Previously,communication is not as wider as what we have today. Due to the expansion of technology,we can communicate to our friends by using social networking. When we talk about social networking, What does first thing come in your mind??????????
FACEBOOK, TWITTER, MYSPACE, and FRIENDSTER are various kind of social networking that use technology. So,what is actually means by social networking.
social networking is the grouping of individual into specific group,like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision,if you will. other source that we get from define social networking is a social structure made up of individual(or organization) called 'nodes' which are type(connected) by one or more specific type of interdependency,such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike,sexual relationship, or relationship of beliefs, knowledge or prestige. Based on the information that we get, there are 500 million users of facebook, 60 million for myspace, 145 million for twitter and linkedln is up to 60 million. So, we can see clearly that facebook is the most popular social networking today.Why is it so? it is because FACEBOOK is one of the social networking that contain all features of others.

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